Scene on Three #8 – Haunting Violet
I made a small pile of books on a scrolled table and kicked off my shoes, tucking my feet under me. The sun slanted through windows, pooling on the leather chairs. I skimmed thick vellum pages, drinking in the smell of parchment and sunlight. The windows were thrown wide open and the breeze brought in a waft of roses.
Violet Willoughby, the main character in the novel I just
finished reading is described as a bookworm, who unfortunately came from underprivileged
family. She was fond of reading, she even prefer reading to good food. Any cent
she got from people, she would save it for books. The description above was
taken in the library belonged to an Earl from a wealthy family. When she and
her mother were invited there, instead of enjoying fancy balls, she would
rather isolate herself in the library. In the library, according to the
description above was really tempting. Who is not tempted? Buried in the books
with complete silence and the fragrance
of roses and the breeze? Oh, I wish I were there…. :D
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- Meme ini diadakan setiap tanggal yang mengandung angka tiga, sesuai dengan ketersediaan tanggal di bulan tersebut (tanggal 3, 13, 23, 30, dan 31).
Woah, bahkan kita yg dikelilingi oleh timbunan pun masih mengharapkan spt itu ya, haha