Scene on Three #9: Spotty Powder and Other Splendiferous Secrets
find August in England a rather torpid month. The trees and plants have all
done their growing for the year and nature is hanging motionless in suspension
before sinking slowly into the decline of winter. There is a brownish look to
the countryside and the leaves are hanging heavy on the trees. But if it is
nothing else, it is the month of the butterfly. Butterflies are lovely things.
They do no harm to man himself either by stinging, biting or
spreading disease. Nor are they beneficial to man as the silkworm is or the
honeybee. The large white or cabbage butterfly is the only one that is a
nuisance because it lays eggs on your cabbages and these hatch out into horrid
hungry caterpillars…
I imagine, living in England, enjoying those scenes will make me stay
awake, probably. Roald Dahl is an expert to describe any nature scenes combined
with his feeling plus his sense of humor, or I think I would say, his-a-bit-horrid
humor. Displaying the beauty of butterflies seems a perfect month of the year,
but then end up as horrid hungry caterpillars. I can’t help laughing when I read this. Other months is
actually as special as August, but I guess, Augusts ‘scene is a combination
between the beauty and the beast :D
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Haha, very nice description, the butterfly and the caterpillar.